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Do you have trypanophobia, otherwise known as needle phobia?

If you have a fear of needles or a fear of having injections, now is the time to do something about it, and be able to have your Covid-19 vaccine, or in fact, any other procedure you need to have with a needle – like holiday jabs, having blood taken, or the injection at the dentist.

I am offering affordable treatment for needle phobia, to help you overcome this difficulty, enabling you to have those medical procedures without that overwhelming fear, and to get rid of the phobia for good! You will be able to get on with your life without those excessive fears, and eliminate those terrifying feelings.

Depending on your personal situation, the fear of needles can typically be eliminated in one to four sessions, and often it is eliminated in just a single session.

Some general information on phobias

What is a phobia? An extreme irrational fear of anything! From Arachnophobia (fear of spiders) to Zoophobia (fear of animals) there are many and varied phobias that cause people problems.

How are phobias caused? Phobias can develop any time from childhood to adulthood, and most commonly are a result of a scary or stressful experience.

What is the difference between a fear and a phobia? Fear is a natural emotion that protects people from harm when they face a real danger. A phobia is an excessive fear that is related to either a specific situation or object, that is out of proportion to the actual danger this presents.

Some of my Certifications

3 Best Rated 2023
CNCH Accredited
Advanced BLAST Technique Practitioner
Profound Somnambulism Master Practitioner
Certified Hypno-Oncolocy Practitioner