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Forget anything you were ever told about diets!

This program consists of 4 x one-hour sessions of hypnotherapy which are designed to bring about permanent changes in your eating habits, and enable you to focus on the person you want to be

This is not a short-term fix. You will be creating new habits that will stay with you long after the program has finished, to help you keep your weight in check.

This program includes a recording which you are asked to listen to each day. These will reinforce the new messages that will help you bring about your permanent change.

This is NOT a diet! You can eat smaller amounts of anything you want.

Have you tried dieting but find you just can’t keep that weight off?

Many people consider having gastric band surgery. If you have this on the NHS you will need to wait your turn on the waiting list and you can only be treated if you have a BMI of over 40!

The cost of private weight loss surgery is high, but you may find a surgeon who will be willing to do it with a lower BMI than 40 and perhaps the waiting list will not be so long. But….. private Gastric Band surgery costs anywhere between £4,000 and £8,000!

The beauty of having The Virtual Gastric Band is that it costs a fraction of that price, you don’t need a BMI of 40 or above, and it can all be done simply, without the use of scalpel, or needing a general anaesthetic.

The Virtual Gastric Band plan includes:

      • An initial consultation to ensure this is the right plan for you – there is no cost or obligation to you, should you choose not to continue to the program. If you decide you would like to proceed, we will start preparation on this appointment.
        • Explanation of the treatment and suitability check
        • Start preparation for The Virtual Gastric Band
      • Four full hypnotherapy sessions.
      • A support MP3
      • I am also able to provide further help for long term weight loss.

“After an extremely challenging year I was very anxious and struggling to function. Within a couple of sessions with Jane I started to feel much calmer and able to take control of my life again……..”

Some of my Certifications

3 Best Rated 2023
CNCH Accredited
Advanced BLAST Technique Practitioner
Profound Somnambulism Master Practitioner
Certified Hypno-Oncolocy Practitioner